Amazing Hand Shadows

Friday, October 2, 2009

Make Hand Shadow Puppets

What are we need to form hand shadows?

Bright light, smooth surface like a wall or a table, two hands with ten fingers, and practice.

With practice and patience, we can learn how to arrange our hands and fingers to form shadow images of a lumbering dinosaur, a pair of playful monkeys, an eagle taking flight, a cat scratching it self, an angry dog, a howling wolf, and a neighing horse. We also can create profiles of ourselves, friends, lovers, and our little brother or sister.

You should learn hand shadowgraphy if you are parent, teacher, older brother or sister, lover, and cool.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hand Shadows Art
The use of shadows to amuse and entertain has a very long history, exactly in the fourth century BC, the ancient Greek author Plato described a procession of shadows moving along the wall of a cave, like the figures shown by a puppeteer. Was he referring to shadow theatre as we know it, It’s certainly true that there are records of shadow puppets being used in performances in China and India more than two thousand years ago.

Hand Shadows became popular in the 19th century, it was one of the most popular arts at that time, when many books were produced illustrating ways of making animals and people shadows.

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